On this page
Request Data
Each year, hundreds of organizations request or engage their suppliers, portfolios, and other stakeholders to report key environmental data, by disclosing through CDP.
These requesters can include:
CDP Supply Chain members, typically large purchasing organizations looking to future-proof their supply chains;
Membership/initiatives such as RE100 and NZAM (The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative);
Private Markets requesters (ie asset owners and fund managers with private market portfolios); and
Banks providing supply chain financing solutions to their corporate customers.
Requesters use this data to inform decisions and drive environmental action.
Improving the request process with Dun & Bradstreet: Using unique identifiers
To ensure these requests reach the right organization and that we build the most accurate and comprehensive database of environmental information, CDP is working with the Dun & Bradstreet database of over 500 million companies and using DUNS numbers as a unique identifier.
Every company in the CDP database is identified with a unique Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number, provided by Dun & Bradstreet. Please note that cities, states and regions, and some other organizations are not assigned DUNS numbers.
Video tutorials
New Portal highlights
Homepage overview
Searching for an organization
Create your Request list by searching for organizations using the Dun & Bradstreet database.
Uploading a Request list to the Portal
Learn how to use a CSV file to bulk update key fields in your Request list.
Using a Request list from a previous cycle
Please note this is only available for returning Requesters.